The California Pacific Exposition Digital Archive was created by The Committee of One Hundred, dedicated to preserving Balboa Park’s Historic architecture, gardens, and public spaces. As an aggregator, the website has contributions from many sources.
Contributors of information, documents, images:
California State Archives, William M. McCarthy Photograph Collection
Duclo Collection
The Committee of One Hundred (now The Balboa Park Committee of 100)
Fresno State Library, Donald G. Larson Collection
The Henry Ford
Huntington Digital Archives
San Diego Air & Space Museum
San Diego Public Library, Special Collections
San Diego City Clerk Digital Archives
San Diego History Center
Spreckels Organ Society
UCLA Library, Department of Special Collections
The Wolfsonian-Florida International University
Dan Abbott
Ranger Kim Duclo
John Earl
Michael Kelly
Joy and Merle Ledford
Chris Lind
David Marshall
Betty Peabody
Rosemary Anne Phelan Photo Collection
Roger Showley
William Woolman
William Van Dusen